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MasteringMedicare Episode 14: Hospice and Secrets of the Hospice Industry published!

In this Mastering Medicare episode we do a deep dive into Hospice with our guest, Cathy Gurson. 

She teaches us everything we ever wanted to know about Hospice. Here are some of the topics we cover:

How do people get referred to hospice
Hospice is covered 100% by Medicare part A
What does hospice cover
How to get Part B medical care covered while under hospice
Hospice reimbursement model
Hospice per diem
Three levels of hospice care
Pier diem changes at the higher levels of care
For profit vs non-profit hospice
Hospice certificate of need requirements
What questions you should ask about when interviewing a hospice
CHAP certification for hospice
Transitioning - what does transitioning mean in the context of hospice?
How to know when a hospice patient is dying
Does hospice pay for food and nutrition
Tube feeding hospice patients
Measuring mean arm circumference (MAC) as a measure of nutritional decline
Who is making the hospice recertification?
Hospice patient’s relationships with their their PCP and hospice medical director
DNR status and resuscitating hospice patients
Most common reasons somebody leaves hospice status
What is the role of PCPs for patients in hospice status
What a PCP can bill for care plan oversight for a hospice patient
Retroactive hospice status changes
What happens if you don’t requalify for hospice recertification?
Graduating from hospice
Video version:


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