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Showing posts from September, 2016

How to connect Google Sheets to live Medicare data

This is pretty cool. Medicare/CMS posts a lot of their data in two main websites for public consumption: I don't know why these two are separated, but it does seem like they host two separate datasets of healthcare data. One can connect Windows Excel to an OData feed from Medicare/CMS, but I can't figure out how to do it with Mac Excel '11 (I don't have a Windows computer). I prefer using Google Sheets anyways, so I wanted to find an easy way to connect Sheets to Medicare/CMS data. Here's the technique I have found, and please let me know if there is a better way: 1. First, access the table of data you want. For me it was this one: 2. Because these tables are usually massive, you will probably need to login and create a saved view of a subset of the data . Here's the subset of data I created, where I did a search for