This article from MIT Technology Review explains how a hospital experimenting with cartoon nurses on a computer screen providing discharge instructions were received better by patients than real nurses. Patients not only liked the virtual nurses more than real nurses, they also bonded more with the virtual nurse!
Click on the link to see the video. For an hour long video explanation, click here.
What this experiment underscores is the difficulty that health professionals, such as nurses and physicians, have in communicating effectively with patients. Not only is there a vast knowledge and experience gap, but there's also the issue of patient embarrassment and provider impatience.
A patient robot is better than an inpatient medical provider, in the patient's eyes.
Dr. Alex Mohseni invited to speak at Brault’s Healthcare Leadership Forum about the future of Emergency Medicine services and how ED groups can adapt using telemedicine.
Dr. Mohseni presented on the topic of how Emergency Medicine groups could expand their scope of practice to the virtual space to and how to do so in a financially viable way.